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    Fashion Brand E-commerce Case Study - Meta Advertising


    The client was a retailer of women's clothing based in England that was targeting European countries and Australia. The client had experience running Meta ads with a CPR of £12-£15 with an average of 20 conversions a week. but needed help scaling. When I took them over as a client they had £20,000 monthly spend and had the means of spending more but were not sure where they should add their extra budget.

    What I Found

    I realised that in order for us to push their advertising activities I had to assess their current strategy and I found:

    • The client ran the same campaigns where they would have prospecting and retargeting ad sets in the same campaign with the prospecting ad set getting most of the campaign budget because it had a bigger audience size.
    • They didn't have a varied enough approach to their Facebook and instagram marketing and were very linear.
    • The client was also only using 2 audiences to generate their conversions and lead sign ups.

    What I Did

    I realised that in order for us to push their advertising activities I had to assess their current strategy and I:

    • Created a new targeting cycle optimising more towards remarketing after ‘pay Day’ as we focused on users who had viewed content, added to cart and signed up for their newsletter. This campaign would run from the last Friday of the month to target those who recently got paid and would end on the second Friday of the new month.
    • Implemented new audiences and targeted different areas in their sales funnel e.g. add to cart and submit form.
    • Used analytics to identify that men were highest purchasers and focused on them especially around seasonal periods such as Valentines day, Mothers day, Birthdays, Christmas and New Years.
    • Incorporated DPA ads, carousels and slideshows to illustrate products effectively.
    • Set up an Instagram shop to help grow visibility of their products and create another sales touchpoint for the client.


    From what I incorporated we were able to deliver:

    • Dropped CPR to £5-£10 with average 100 conversions a week. Additionally around the seasonal moments we had enough audience data to double and sometimes triple our conversions weekly.
    • The client had more time to focus on other aspects of their business as ads ran themselves with little tweaking.

    Alcohol Brand E-commerce Case Study - Meta Advertising


    The client is the biggest producer of Gin in Cornwall. They were new to advertising on the Meta platform and didn't know where to best invest their marketing budget on Meta. They would run traffic campaigns and boosted posts with a monthly spend of around £3,000.

    What I Found

    From my initial conversations with the client I was able to identify where the client was in terms of their experience in using the platform. To help get them up to speed I staged training sessions for them to understand not just the platform but also to understand what needed to be implemented. I also found that:

    • The client had no pixel based or lookalike audiences made which reduced their conversions greatly.
    • No advertising cycle created as they were just pushing boosted posts and traffic campaigns.
    • Their gift set products actually performed very well but weren't pushed by the client effectively.
    • They had great creatives but were not using the right ad format to really display the products to help generate clicks.

    What I Did

    Following our training sessions and they had familiarised with the platform I proposed the following solutions that Meta had to offer them:

    • We added pixel touchpoints which helped us create new custom audiences and once we had enough data we created lookalike audiences of the best converting custom audiences.
    • I Proposed a new targeting cycle for prospecting and remarketing and gave their gift sets their own campaigns to help drive its conversions.
    • Whenever they released a new flavour of gin we created new prospecting campaigns incorporating lookalike audiences of previous purchasers of new flavours and people who signed up to their newsletter.
    • I also proposed they create and retarget an audience of those that watched 75% of their video content. I suggested changing their ad format to DPA, carousel and slideshow to display their different flavours and gift sets especially around seasonal periods.


    With weekly calls to monitor and make amendments to the campaigns and the new structure delivered:

    • CPR dropped from £11 in November to £5.1 in December.
    • Saw an increase in roas from 8.2 to 14 between November and December when they initially wanted 10 roas.
    • Currently spending £24,000 a month on Facebook ads.
    • Client has had positive feedback from customers and management as well.

    Technology Case Study - Yahoo Search, Native and Display Advertising


    The client owns a browser extension that users can add to their browser that protects their data as they use the internet. The client was very experienced in running search, native and display ads on Yahoo. They were spending $40,000 a month in Q2 of 2022 and wanted to drive their conversions and installations more and had a cpa of $12 and averaged 14,000 conversions/installations a month.

    What I Did

    To help them increase their conversions and installations and drop their cpa I worked with the client and implemented:

    • New multichannel strategy that focused on sales, web traffic and seasonal campaigns. This strategy looked into diversifying their activity by not only having ad accounts for specific browsers but also specific devices. This enabled us to not only target desktop users but users on mobile devices as well. We implemented search campaigns, combined with native and premium display campaigns to reach a wider audience.
    • New audiences implemented based on those previously subscribed and optimised for those that used the free version of the browser extension. Through new ad formats and adjusted creatives we then focused on converting those free users into paid subscribers.
    • More analytic reports from the platform into our strategy. This helped us identify what sites suggested that the bids be increased on these sites and we blocked the sites that performed the best and delivered the most conversions. Once these sites were identified I then underperformed.
    • Created seasonal campaigns with high bids on the best sites which ran after christmas and into the new year with the aim of targeting users who had recently purchased or received desktop or mobile devices over the festive period.


    The result of the implementation above the client was able to deliver:

    • In Q4 an average cpa for one account was $7.47 with over 21,000 conversions a month while their other account delivered a cpa $10 with 12,743 conversions.
    • Scaled into new areas and now have advertising accounts for different operating systems so they can push their mobile app to new and existing users.
    • Spend went from $120,000 in Q2 2022 to $300,00+ in Q4.
    • Reached 1 million user mark at the end of Q4 now have 2 million users of their browser extension.